Energy Healing
Multidimensional Healing
Golden Frequency
Multidimensional Mastery Training
IFS Coaching

Abundance Channel Clearing
Abundance and money are big issues for so many people. When the energetic channels that connect you and your creations to the flow of abundance aren’t healthy, your ability to create what you want can be difficult.
Business websites, social media, ways of communicating with other people like phone numbers and email addresses, financial investments, products, and even the name of your business rely on clear energetic channels to get the energy they need to be successful.
When they get bogged down by the denser energies of fear, insecurity, and old belief patterns passed down from generation to generation that we might not even be aware of, blocks get created that hinder flow.
An Abundance Channel Clearing will remove these blocks, re-pattern and re-calibrate the energetic frequencies of whatever it is that’s being cleared, and the old belief patterns are replaced with new, high frequency declarations that will allow the abundance to come pouring into your world.
You’ll also gain a greater understanding of why you created those blocks and how you can keep from creating them in the future. Not only will you see a shift in your finances and your business, but you’ll see changes within yourself and the rest of your life, too!
What an Abundance Channel clearing can help create flow to:
Business name
Business location
Product sales
Communication flow from emails and phones
Social media
Real estate
New ideas
Customer matching services like Thumbtack or Rover
Raising capital
Whatever you want to flow more smoothly, including relationships
"If you’re a doctor and get sick, you see another doctor. If you’re a hairdresser who needs a fabulous haircut, you see another hair stylist. If you’re an energy worker who needs clearing work done, you see another energy worker.
3 weeks ago, I reached out to my friend Barbara Buck to chat & get her perspective about some life-bumps that my husband and I were both experiencing. She has the ability to see energetically around the cause of situations & life circumstances. Many areas of our life had become suddenly stagnant.
After telling Barbara what was going on, she offered a process in which she taps into the frequencies of our digital gateways.
Have you ever considered what specific energetic frequencies have been programmed within things like: your email address, your online banking, your website, your social media pages, your phone number, etc??
Every time you interact with these digital spaces, they become imbued with energy. And we interact with so many other people in these places that things can get sticky pretty quickly. JUST LIKE YOUR PHYSICAL SPACES our digital realms require attentive clearing. So HOW do you keep those places open and clear to receive goodness, positivity, growth, and abundance?
Enter Barbara Buck and her capacity to interact with the digital realm. This is her specialty. She has the gift of operating in the etheric & digital realms.
Within 24 hours of my session with Barbara:
I received sudden inspiration to completely rearrange the furniture in our home and - for the first time since moving in 3 years ago - our home is now a peaceful sanctuary. We had never been able to quite figure it out before & were super frustrated with our house.
My husband’s phone began to ring & he received 2 new consulting leads plus a third excellent opportunity.
We received UNEXPECTED money through Venmo, PayPal, and our physical mailbox.
2 new clients booked appointments for crystal healing sessions with me.
Several new customers reached out to me for products, and a new partner joined me in business.
So yeah... Barbara, that was a good session. Thank you!"
Natanya Sabin, Healer, Rodan and Fields Consultant
“While I’ve been working at selling houses, I’ve also been trying to manifest my own house. After Barbara did my clearing this morning, I found a cottage on a 1/3 acre to rent from a fellow agent via email! Also, a new buyer walked through my lead system that is ready to pounce on several listings that my mentor/manager has that are perfect! THANK YOU, BARBARA!!!”
(Kelley just started a new career as a real estate agent and sold her first house within 48 hours of sharing this message)
Kelley Crandall, Real Estate Agent www.interonc.com
“If I may add a bit of confirmation here...I’ve been literally slammed with readings all day and just booked another in an hour. I also heard from a past client who used to call me almost every day. How interesting way to go, Barbara Buck!!!”
(This was within 24 hours of Matthew’s abundance channel clearing. He’s still busy.)
Matthew Mournian, Astrologist, Psychic, and Shamanic Healer
"I want to report on the clearing Barbara did on my book. There was a huge black wall around it blocking the energetic flow. The wall was created by a fear, probably of one of the people I wrote about, about the information being let loose on the public. She replaced it with the energy of "this book finds its audience."
AMAZING! Already, a former student chimed in to say he's buying it!”
(Books started selling within an hour or two of the clearing)
Betsy Campisi, Author of “Escape to Miami: An Oral History of the Cuban Rafter Crisis
"I am a certified dog trainer and intuitive healer and I know how to do clearings using crystals, sage, and several rituals to clear space. However, when it came to my business, I was not able to clear some obstacles that were blocking the flow of abundance to me and my company. Over the years as I geared my business more towards energy work, my business revenue declined.
Even if I had some financial flareups, out of nowhere I would have excessive expenses due to unforeseen events. Whenever I tried to increase revenue, it was like digging a hole in the water. Even though I can manifest things for myself, financial abundance wasn’t a part of it.
Last year was basically a year of frustration, fear, and bank overdrafts.
The last few weeks I haven’t been able to land even one new client.
I decided to ask Barbara for help because I trust her intuitive skills, she’s experienced, and has access to frequencies that only a few have.
She did an abundance clearing session with me, and suddenly everything has changed.
She was able to find some old programmed beliefs that I wasn’t aware of that were blocking flow of energy to my business. She replaced them with positive intentions that were more in line with success, and cleared the stuck energy
In less than eight hours I got two requests from old clients to book new packages, one request by a company for big contract, and two new bookings through my website from people I never met before.
First of all, in the first eight hours I made five times the money I spent on the session.
Second, I’ve become aware of why I’ve had such a hard time creating abundance around my work. Even though I am considered a specialist worldwide in what I do.
And third, she gave me instructions on how to keep my field clear of my self-defeating thoughts.
I now have a better understanding of how I can create abundance around my work and how to navigate around my fears and my traumas that put me in the position of avoiding abundance.
I had a planned free event for 10-15 people about dog training. To my surprise, this event was overbooked and had to be relocated to a bigger room to fit 50 people."
Roman Gottfried, Certified Holistic Dog Behavior Coach, Reiki Master, Speaker